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1031 Exchange Services: OR Exchange

1031 Exchange Services: OR Exchange

Contact: Janet L. Schaum
Phone: 813-849-2816

1410 N. Westshore Boulevard, Suite 800

Tampa, FL 33607


Old Republic Title offers 1031 exchange services through Old Republic Exchange Company, a subsidiary of Old Republic International Corporation. When you choose OR Exchange, you can rest assured that your funds are secure. At your request, OR Exchange will provide a written guarantee from Old Republic National Title Holding Company (ORNTHC), stating that ORNTHC will reimburse you for any loss of funds transmitted to OR Exchange, if such a loss is the result of OR Exchange's or its employees' gross negligence, fraud or dishonesty.

1031 Exchange Video: To help you clearly understand the fundamentals

Get Started with 1031 Exchange Services: OR Exchange

The Fund has compiled this selection of companies to assist Fund Members to find providers of products and services to meet their various business needs.  The Fund does not warrant any of the products or services offered by these vendors. It is the Fund Member’s responsibility to ensure that the products and services offered and provided meet the Fund Member’s needs. Please address any comments or complaints about a listed vendor to